New(ish) bakery cases

Something I was interested to see when I visited this store was the new style of bakery cases, replacing the old bread cases. Of course, by the time I'm finally posting this, I've seen similar cases in plenty of other places, as always happens with my long delays in posting. Also unsurprisingly, they were out of service on this visit due to COVID fears -- I have to wonder if Fred Meyer opened these back up at some point, and if they're considering closing them down again. Then again, I'm still not entirely sure what point closing the self-service cases like this was supposed to have, since that doesn't seem like nearly as much of a risk as many other parts of the grocery shopping process, but what do I know.


  1. I've noticed Kroger has generally kept theirs available, but Walmart has stocked their self-service donut cases with prepackaged muffins instead. (You'd think they could spring for prepackaged individual donuts, but nope, now you can only get those in the normal multi-packs!) Not sure what the idea is there... you're still touching the glass case either way. Just not breathing on the product itself, I guess. But that brings up an important question -- I thought it had been ruled out early on that the virus spreads by third-party objects? I was under the impression it was through human contact more so. Oh well, I can't claim to be an expert in any of this. For example, I don't think the flu spreads primarily through objects either, yet it seems that's something we're usually concerned about. So I'm probably just not understanding correctly. (It also doesn't help that there has been so much conflicting information about this virus since the beginning... besides having become highly politicized (ugh, can't we just leave things alone?!), I maintain my stance that scientists and the like were pressured to release results way too early before they could test or confirm them, and that's what led to the many changes in thinking. /rant

    1. Honestly, I stopped following the news a while back because it became too much for me to wrap my head around, so I'm not qualified to talk about any of this either! I do agree that there was way too much pressure to get definitive answers back when we hardly knew what this thing was, since people just can't take "we don't know yet" as an answer, and that's probably part of why people still can't agree on what reasonable solutions are. (And don't get me started on all of the people who somehow think it doesn't even exist, even when they themselves have it...) Of course, science being overly politicized is hardly a new thing in this country, from climate change (again, how people can still insist that isn't real is beyond me) to anti-vaxxers (who are probably going to prevent us from getting away from COVID anytime soon...).


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