Dippy actionway

Even after the remodel, this store still has a pretty big clothing department, wrapping around into what used to be assorted general merchandise departments. This part is extensively Dip branded as well, including a second department sign. All this talk about the Dip brand reminded me of how some of my older relatives used to use that as a term for a stupid person (a little bit more polite than "idiot", I suppose), which... doesn't seem to be a great connotation for a brand! 😉 (And before you think it's just them, I looked it up in the dictionary and yes, it's there. You probably know that phrase from the vulgar modern version...)


  1. That definition of 'Dip' that you mention above is what I thought of when I saw the name. That's why it's so surprising Kroger chose that. Also, while I'm not familiar with the product, I do know some forms of chew tobacco is called dip. That's not exactly something you'd want associated with a family clothing brand, but who knows. Maybe they are trying to copy The Gap or something and have some kind of similar name.

    Those who have been into computers for a long time might remember DIP switches. That was back when you had to configure computer hardware on the devices itself rather than through software. That was a bit of a pain, but the DIP switches were actually an upgrade over normal jumpers. I'm sure none of this is interesting to anyone here though, lol.

    1. Honestly, dip switches are the first thing that came to my mind with that name! I'm not even a techy person, really, but I guess I've just been watching too many retro technology videos on Youtube 😉

      I hadn't even thought about tobacco, but yep, I've heard of that too! It sure seems like there are a lot of reasons why Dip might not be the greatest brand name, but clearly Kroger is really committed to it.

    2. Retro technology videos on YouTube, eh? You might be watching some of the same videos that I watch, lol. I like Vwestlife's channel. He has done a few retail videos as well over the years.

    3. Sounds like it! I haven't seen that one myself, but there certainly seems to be some interesting stuff there that I'll have to check out.

  2. Relevant article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/barbaraekahn/2018/07/13/dipping-into-brands-four-reasons-why-kroger-might-rethink-its-new-apparel-brand-name/?sh=38c5c2c9646f

    Here's what Kroger says about the name: Acknowledging their grocery roots, Kroger chose the name after the popular party snack. Company materials say that Dip apparel is “simple, fresh and goes great with everything.” Dip clothing, like the food product it is named after, is designed to be a grab-and-go collection. Customers can buy a few groceries and then “dip” into the next aisle to get some clothing.

    1. Thanks for the information, Retail Retell. I agree with the opinions presented in the Forbes article though. The Dip name presents some issues and it's hard to see how the brand really boosts the image for Kroger/FM as a whole. Then again, as we've discussed before, Sears and Walmart had a children's clothing line, McKids, which was themed after McDonald's. I suppose associations between food and clothing are possible, lol, but I don't think this is going to work out so well for Kroger.

    2. I'm sorry if there are any marketing types reading this, but ugh, marketing speech like that is one of those things that just makes me feel dumber for reading it! 😃 The actual article is a bit outside of the realm of what I understand, but that quote... seriously?


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