Starry night

One thing that had remained consistent, though, was the famous Bon Marche star, displayed on the 4th and Pine corner since the 50s. It almost was abandoned for the store's final year -- it's a long story, fraught with allegations of sabotage (note the archived link -- Kiro Radio/My Northwest, known to be one of the crazier news sources in the area, did eventually back off their claims), but thankfully that didn't happen. It was supposed to be modernized and improved (whatever that means) for Christmas 2020, but with the state of the world right now (and really bad state of downtown), I'm not sure whether that will actually happen.


  1. Great shot! I'm glad the star has been saved for future years, too.

    1. Thanks! Fingers crossed that isn't one of the (many) things that seem to be getting quietly dropped in hopes that no one will notice with everything else going on right now...


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