Front view

I'm not entirely sure what era this store design is from (though I'm sure one of you knows!), but I quite like the reflective blue glass style. Sadly, even though this store hasn't been closed for too long, the top right corner has already managed to fall off (and seeing as it's laying there intact on top of the red awning, perhaps it isn't real glass after all...).


  1. I never thought about this possibly being glass. I suck at identifying materials, so I don't know what it would be otherwise, but still :P This is what's at the Jackson TRU as well. Ollie's moved in this year and painted it white.

    1. I had guessed glass just because it's a highly mirrored finish, but who knows! It's quite possible that it's plastic or metal instead, though I didn't realize they could take on a finish like this (but I'm not in any way an expert, so I'm just guessing!).

      Honestly, I'm kind of surprised that this sort of material (whatever it is) could even be painted over successfully, but again, I probably don't actually know what I'm talking about! 🙂


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