Entrance no more

Wrapping up this mini-set, here's another look at the entrance and (strangely unsigned) exit doors, with a distinctive gold-trimmed window in between. I quite like the furniture-like detailing around the entrance door, though I'm not sure how common this element is -- Retail Retell mentioned a similar store in their area in a comment on yesterday's post, which had a completely different door surround.


  1. Wow, that's interesting! I hadn't looked close enough at pictures of that store prior to the Ollie's conversion to see the different door style. I wonder if that was added in a later renovation. Every other image I've seen of this style of TRU online has these doors.

    Thanks for the shout-out, too!

    1. Hmm, interesting! I honestly thought that looked like an older design, but hey, I'm just making stuff up again!

      And you're welcome!

    2. Ha, it could just as easily have been an older design for sure! Don't know why I didn't think of that :P


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