90s cafe

On this cold January day, there were still some customers hanging out in the cafe despite the limited offerings. (This is one of those weeks when I wish it was January weather... it was over 90 yesterday and predicted to get over 80 pretty much every day this week. I know that's not too bad compared to where most of you live, but with no air conditioning, it can be rather unpleasant...) The cafe certainly looks like it hasn't changed much since this store opened back in the 90s, with the green striped wallpaper and all sorts of fake wood all over!


  1. Having no air conditioning is tragic.

    1. Seriously! It's a Seattle thing -- we're one of only two large cities in the country where the majority of people don't have air conditioning. One of these days I'm going to give in and buy a portable air conditioner...

    2. My parents didn't have A/C when they lived in Spokane. My dad says it's like 97° or so there this week. Even though that probably doesn't feel as bad as 97 here with our dew point, humidity, mugginess, the whole nine yards -- I can only imagine how bad it is for people who aren't used to that kind of heat and don't have any air conditioning to mitigate it!

    3. Oof, no AC in Spokane really can't be fun! 97 isn't even that hot for Spokane -- it can easily get well over 100 there in the summer, and I know for sure I wouldn't be able to handle that without AC! Heck, I can hardly handle that sort of heat with AC and in small doses when I've hit that sort of weather when traveling.

    4. Wow, I didn't realize that was actually common there! From the way he talks, I would've thought it was always pleasant in the summertime there, since he hates the hot weather here :P

    5. That's funny! Yeah, it's pretty much always hot in the summers there (and very cold in the winters), at least compared to where I am. Just looking at temperatures, it looks like summers there are not that much cooler than where you are, though the humidity is certainly a big difference.


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