The second anchor tenant in this store is also the one with the most convoluted history. It was built in 1971 (also before the main mall opened) as a White Front (hence why it looks a lot like the old parts of the Overlake Fred Meyer), which closed in 1974 when that chain went under. The timing for that was incredibly bad, since it was just a few months before the main mall opened, and it opened as a dead mall before even having a chance to get going. It wasn't until 1977 that the Bon Marche moved in, which seems to have turned things around for a while. Sadly, Macy's closed a few years ago, with about 3/4 of the store eventually being taken over by Floor & Decor, leaving a really awkward strip on the mall end (and a big dead spot in the mall proper, as we'll see soon).
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