Welcome to the Sequim QFC!

This store was built in the late 80s or early 90s, about the same era as many other QFCs out there. On the inside, it probably would have originally looked much like so many other QFCs out there, including the old Kirkland store. However, if you were looking for a simple story after last time's big mystery, you're not going to find that here -- this store got a remodel at some unknown point (probably the early 2000s, since it's as I remember it from when I was a little kid) that, as we shall see soon enough, doesn't match any other QFC out there.

Oh, and before I move on, a little note about pronunciation. Sequim, like Puyallup, Spokane, and Kalaloch, is one of those place names that people from out of this region never manage to pronounce correctly. Sequim is even worse than some others, since it looks easy to understand, but the obvious pronunciation is completely wrong. Basically, if you just forget the "e" is there, you'll probably get most of the way to how it's supposed to sound.

Oh, and yes, this set was supposed to start yesterday since I changed Fridays to short-set days. But apparently I was too tired last night to remember that, so it's starting today instead.


  1. Awesome photo!

    And ha, that's funny about the pronunciations. I'll agree that I don't even know where to start trying to pronounce most of those town names you mention, but I was surprised to see Spokane on there. Guess that's just me though, as I've known how to correctly pronounce it all my life... my parents used to live there for a few years before I was born.

    1. Thanks! I've noticed that my new phone is a big improvement for exterior pictures... just not so much for interior ones, which is what I really wanted! Oh well, you get what you pay for I guess.

      Ha! I always thought Spokane was easy enough to pronounce myself, but I've heard enough people from out of state screw it up that I guess it's not (normally either saying something like "spoken" or using a long a instead of a short a). Way back when I was a senior in high school (wow, that feels like a long time ago), we got repeated recruitment calls from some college in Spokane with the caller claiming to be a student there -- we always laughed at that because they claimed to be calling from "SpokAIne, Washington" (with the long a), something that no local would do! (And I didn't know you had some (vague) Northwest roots!)

    2. You're welcome! Sorry to hear that about the interior pictures, but I'm sure they're all fine. I understand the feeling, though. I thought my new phone was going to be great with interior neon; I actually think it's worse than my old phone, in some respects.

      Yeah, I can see where people pronounce it with "cane" at the end, but like I said, it never occurred to me to say it that way, since I've always heard it pronounced correctly! That's funny about the recruiter. And ha, yeah, I don't think I've shared that online before :P Neither of my parents are from there (my dad is from SC and my mom is from MS, which you probably do know based on my flickr travels), but they lived there in the 90s. My dad is always saying how he would move back in a heartbeat -- apparently it stays just a bit cooler up there during the summer than it does down here ;)

    3. The interior pictures are still certainly an improvement -- just not quite as much as I had hoped. I haven't tried on neon yet (that's always a good test, but there's not much around here to try it on), but I can't imagine it would be worse than the iPod!

      I'm the same way with Spokane (and Sequim, for that matter), but yeah, I know where people are coming from. And it's funny to hear that about Spokane -- people from this side of the mountains think the weather is awful over there! It's too hot in the summer (for us!), and too cold in the winter. My parents used to live over in Idaho back in the 90s, which has a similar climate, and hated it so much that they moved back over to Western Washington as soon as they could.


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