Produce side

While the decor here is weird, the layout is normal, which is part of what makes me think this store was a normal Wood Decor store originally. (It also has the weird ceiling elements from that decor package, like the oval thing here, just painted over in white.)

Also, "Cake-A-Rama" sounds like my sort of sale! Sadly, I wasn't able to partake in that -- the reason I was able to visit this store at all is that I was taking my parents' car back to them over Memorial Day weekend after having borrowed it when I moved to my new apartment, and I certainly wouldn't want them to wonder why I had stopped at QFC on my way home.


  1. How are things at your new place, by the way?

    1. Pretty good, thanks for asking! The neighborhood certainly isn't as interesting as Fremont, but my apartment itself is a big improvement (I mean, it's three times the size, so that's automatically a big plus!). And it's really quiet up here, even with all the craziness that's going on right now.

    2. That's good to hear (and you're welcome)! Glad everything is going well, and that things are quiet. That must be nice for sure!


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