Cart X-ing

OK, so this isn't super on topic, but I still found it rather interesting: For some reason, the walkway through the parking lot over at the garden center end of the store has a "cart x-ing" cut-through in the middle. Not only is this just a weird feature, looking at the Street View, this doesn't even seem to connect up to anything! So yeah, no clue what they were going for here.


  1. If I remember correctly the newer Raleigh LaGrange Road Walmart in Memphis has similar crossings. I would say the sidewalk is there for the handicap parking spaces up front, but that doesn't explain why it extends beyond those...

    1. Huh, interesting! I get why the sidewalk is there, to connect the store to the street (of course, this is suburbia, so I doubt many people walk here, but still...), but I really don't know what the point of the cart cut-through is (or, more to the point, why they felt the need to sign it!).


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