(AKA curbside pickup, in the current buzzwords)

Unsurprisingly for a home store, Floor & Decor also tacked on a big new pickup canopy, which I'm sure is proving quite useful right now! While I'm not a big fan of the modifications Floor & Decor made to this building, I will say that the new color scheme (red plus multiple shades of grey) does look pretty sharp.

p.s. -- I've now enabled comment moderation on posts more than a few days old since I've been getting a little bit of spam lately. Hopefully, this will help at least a little bit, without being too annoying to any of you (since I practically never get legitimate comments on posts more than a few days old anyways).


  1. I had no idea there was a way to set only certain posts up for moderation, lol! I still get spam regularly, but I'm glad I have the ability to control it with the moderation.

    1. It was a little complicated, but yeah, there's a way to make it so only posts older than a certain number of days require moderation. I already had to turn down the number of days, but it's working for now...


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