This seems like a good time to talk about the oddball aisle markers a bit more! These were installed sometime in the last couple years, replacing the older Fresh Fare ones. You'd expect that timeline to mean Fresh & Local aisle markers (which have shown up in some older stores that mustn't warrant a full remodel), but no, they're from the Fresh Fare 2.0 package (but, somehow, not quite the same style shown in that link). Fresh Fare 2.0 only ever existed in one QFC, as far as I know, and they clearly didn't move over from that store since the style is slightly different, and that store still had its ones at the time these were installed (the store has probably remodeled by now -- I saw the plans a while back -- but there's still a good period of overlap). How aisle markers from a rare decor package that I'm pretty sure has been out of use for a while ended up in this store is going to be just another mystery, unfortunately.
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