One last look across the street

Even while all the branding has changed at this place, it's still quite recognizable as an Albertsons, and it's just generally a surprisingly nice looking store for this part of the area. Anyways, that's it for this place!

Since it's May 1st, it's time for another music recommendation! This month's pick is Awolnation's new album, Angel Miners and the Lightning Riders. While I'm stuck at home due to the COVID lockdown (which was just extended for another month, which is so dumb, but I don't want to derail this discussion any further), this is one of the albums I've been listening to over and over (about the only good thing about working from home is that I can listen to music more easily!). My dad and I were all ready to go to the concert, but then the pandemic happened right around when we were going to buy the tickets, and of course now their whole tour is cancelled... so obviously that isn't happening anymore, which is very disappointing. ☹️


  1. Sorry about the concert :( My mom had three concerts and two vacations planned for a big birthday extravaganza, and she had to cancel it all. This year sucks lol.

    1. Yeah, that it certainly does. I do realize that I don't really have much to complain about compared to many people (my parents have had multiple concerts, plays, vacations, etc. cancelled too), but still.


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