Hello Pinehurst!

As I had expected, I was too busy this weekend to put together a full neighborhood tour for Pinehurst like I did for Fremont. However, since I already had to go to the local stores to buy stuff for my new place, I figured I'd put together a brief introductory post anyways!

My first stop was the Lake City Fred Meyer, which is the last non-Marketplace Fred Meyer in Seattle (of course, there's only 2 others, so I guess that's not saying that much). It's a weird 2-level store, and (as you can see in the second picture) was rather busy at the time (well, it actually wasn't that busy, they just had very few open checkouts and half of the self-checkouts were closed down too for some reason).

Next up was the Northgate Target, which is a pretty generic P09 store -- except it's a 2-level store (the only one left in the area that I know of; there used to be one in Portland too but it was replaced by a generic one-level one a while back), and it's at the top of a mid-rise retail complex! When I was a kid, I thought this store was the coolest thing around, between the cart escalators (which I still think are pretty cool!) and the <a href=https://www.google.com/maps/@47.7095291,-122.3257054,3a,75y,149.38h,91.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGT-AppvrskeqSh7uj1fnog!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en>parking garage with an "express" ramp to the upper levels</a> (hey, I'm from a small town!).

And last but not least is the Pinehurst Safeway, which will be my new standard store! And this place is only about three blocks from my new apartment, so it will be much more convenient than what I'm used to. We've seen this place before, so nothing too exciting, but one thing I didn't notice last time -- while this store was built in 2011, it has a proto-Lifestyle-style pharmacy hours sign! Maybe the ones I've been seeing in other stores aren't really relics after all.

Anyways, that's it for now! Normal posts will be back tomorrow.


  1. Surprised the Safeway isn't two levels also :P

    1. Ha! And yet my previous two Safeways (Ballard and Roosevelt) kind of were!

      I imagine one exists somewhere, but I haven't ever seen a true multi-level Safeway...


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