Welcome back to the Shoreline Fred Meyer!

I covered this store way back when during my original Fred Meyer decor series, but as I mentioned at that time, it was remodeled not too long after my visit. Continuing my theme from the last post of tying up loose ends and old things, I'm now finally getting around to posting the during- and post-remodel pictures! This set will be a mix of the pictures from my two visits to the store, one most of the way through the remodel and one after it was finally complete (I wasn't as aware of how incredibly slow Fred Meyer was at remodels when I visited this store the first time!), though apparently this store is a black hole for good exterior pictures, as they didn't turn out so well from any of my visits. (The weird yellow lighting in the 2018 batch is because these pictures were taken at the height of wildfire season, with 2018 being the worst year I can remember for air quality -- that's smoke in the air, not clouds.)
