One thing that's always bothered me about Albertsons, relative to Safeway, is the inconsistency in store layouts. Growing up, my family stopped at tons of Safeways on our road trips around the state, and they basically came in two layouts: produce on the left, or produce on the right. Since we didn't generally go to Albertsons, I assumed they were the same way, and the Port Angeles Albertsons layout was quite similar to most other Albertsons stores! It wasn't until well into the course of my retail photography hobby that I realized that couldn't be further from the truth, with very little consistency between different Albertsons, and a completely different layout (the Grocery Palace one) being probably the most common. I mention all this because this store is the only one I've been to so far that has the exact layout of the old Port Angeles Albertsons! Some details certainly look a bit different, most notably the soffit over the right side departments, but the layout is almost 100% the same.
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