
Speaking of the decor (what little of it there is), here's a closeup of one of the main department signs. They're fairly plain, with just the department name, a block of color, and a chevron pointing at the department, but I actually quite like the aesthetic. I'm not sure when this decor package was introduced, or if it's the current look, but it does seem to be in practically every Bed Bath & Beyond out there. (And no, I'm not entirely sure what "Soft Kitchen" refers to... I assume tablecloths and kitchen towels and stuff? It's certainly not a phrase I've heard elsewhere!)


  1. Yeah, this is the most common BB&B décor I know of, although admittedly I haven't been in very many of their stores. Southaven for sure had it though, but they actually received new signage in the past year or two, to my surprise.

    1. Thanks for confirming! And it's good to hear that Bed Bath and Beyond actually has a new decor package... I guess they haven't completely given up yet!

    2. You're welcome! I wish I had some photos to link to for you, but I wouldn't even know how to begin trying to look that up...

    3. Don't worry about it -- I was just at a store today that had the new signage! Looks pretty nice.

    4. Oh, good! That worked out nicely :)


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