Not the pictures I was wanting to post tonight...

(source -- sorry for using Twitter instead of a real news source, but these were the best pictures I could find.)

Some of you have probably heard of this by now, but there was a major shooting right in the heart of downtown Seattle this evening. The shooting happened right in front of the historic downtown Macy's (which I am -- was? -- in the middle of documenting due to the impending closure), and just a block away from the former Bed Bath & Beyond that I'm currently posting (and that on top of another shooting two blocks from it in the other direction earlier today... and another one a few blocks away yesterday), so it just didn't feel right to carry on as if nothing happened. Back to normal tomorrow -- or I sure hope so at least.

The former Bed Bath & Beyond is the circled spot


  1. So you were inside the Macy's building at the time? This is scary in any situation, but especially jarring to be so close by. Glad you're safe. I hadn't heard of these shootings, but then again I haven't been connected to the news at all lately.

    1. Thankfully, no, I was at the office at the other end of downtown. I did have to walk through the area to get home, though, which was a bit scary (pretty much the whole of downtown was shut down, so there was really no other way to get home other than walking). I'm sorry if the post made it sound worse than it was... I was certainly a bit out of it last night.

    2. No worries, I just misunderstood. And that is certainly understandable.


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