Split screen

Lastly for this series, here's a view from the other side of the street, showing the new entrant Target right across from the well-established Safeway. When I heard of the new Target opening, I had hoped it would be a good competitor to the Safeway, but I clearly misunderstood quite what Target had in mind here -- I was expecting something more like the Walmart Neighborhood Market concept, but instead this store is more like a direct shrink of a full-size Target, with a rather bizarre product mix. It will be interesting to see how this store does -- the home and clothing section, while small, is a fairly distinct feature for this neighborhood and should be able to compete with the Fred Meyer in terms of price if not selection, and the health and beauty section should at least be able to compete with Safeway's dismal selection and pricing in that department (though it may have issues with the Walgreens on another corner of this intersection), but the grocery department seemed hopelessly uncompetitive with anything around here as its prices were much higher than Safeway and the selection is far worse than any of the myriad competitors in the area. I wish this store the best, as always, but I certainly have some doubts about quite how well it will do in the long run.
