Lone survivor, Sam's Club edition

Surprisingly, these cones, buckets, and knocked-over shopping carts were the only thing stopping people from going in to the old Sam's Club parking lot. Well, that and a security guard that was driving around when I was here, but I can't imagine Walmart was paying for 24/7 on-site security. I'd think putting up a fence would be cheaper and easier, but who knows... (but yes, the security guard was very effective in stopping me from wandering in and taking closer-up pictures, not that I likely would have at this store anyways!)


  1. If I remember correctly, I believe I read somewhere about a problem with homeless people using these old Seattle area Sam's Club store parking lots as campgrounds when these stores first closed. That created quite a few problems, which is probably why Walmart went through the effort of hiring security here.

    1. Yeah, that does sound quite likely, especially in this part of town! Still, I'd think that putting up a fence would help with that, but who knows...


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