Organic kitchen supplies

I'm pretty sure that this generic "organic" sign is the only bit of decor in the produce department, but again, I'll have to take what I can get! As you can kind of tell here, this store is set up to funnel everyone through produce, and then around through the kitchen supplies department to get to the actual aisles which are off to my left. This would probably be a good place to shop for this stuff, but it still feels like a somewhat odd department to give such prominent placement to.

This picture led to one of the most bizarre encounters I've had so far. Right after taking it, a security guy came up to ask why I was taking pictures. I deflected as normal, with some sort of non-answer, to which he replied, "I was just wondering if it was for a blog or something, because that would be normal". Um, yeah, but that's not the response I was expecting! So I decided I didn't have to worry about taking pictures here from then on. 🙂


  1. At least the security guard understood we're not a threat with what we do, unlike many of the other guards out there!

  2. Wow! Can this security guard be dispatched to every store we go to?

    1. (Actually, in all honesty, I figured you'd have an encounter here since these international markets always seem to have security guards who get onto people for photography. But I certainly wasn't expecting that outcome! Did you tell him after that that yes, that is what you were doing?)

  3. Ha, I wish!

    Yeah, that's why I didn't feel like taking pictures the first time I visited (well, that and the fact that I stick out like a sore thumb in this store!). But I decided the second time around that I was actually shopping here, so I'd might as well get some pictures at the same time. And, well, I don't remember what I said, I was so shocked at his response 🙂


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