To be honest, I'd take bread over fruits and vegetables any day

While the produce stock was (expectedly) depleted, the bakery must have had a huge overstock, as the whole back half of the produce space was filled with baked goods! This was even on top of the normal stock in the bakery itself. I'm not sure how this would have happened -- I would certainly hope that Safeway bakeries wouldn't keep this amount of stock on hand at all times as they can't possibly sell stuff fast enough for it to all be fresh, but at the same time, it wouldn't make much sense for Safeway to ship large amounts of new product to a closing store like this...


  1. One theory - sometimes store bakeries get their stuff frozen and bake it in store. They might have been trying to use up what was in their freezers.

    1. Yep, that's my theory too. It's just surprising that they would have had that much stock!


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