Stepping inside

As you can clearly tell from these last few pictures, my camera was not happy with me when I first got to this store. It got better later, I promise! Anyways, here's our first view into this store, featuring the "P01.9" decor -- P01 walls with P04 hanging signs, something most of you probably know best from Retail Retell's Cordova SuperTarget. Since we know from that article I linked a few pictures back that this store was remodeled in the waning days of the P01 decor package, I suspect that it always looked like this, perhaps being used as an experiment with the new decor package. (That's something that Safeway seems to do a lot, at least... not sure about other stores, but that's my theory and I'm sticking to it!)


  1. Thanks for the link! I'm very happy you found this store, as it's good to be able to confirm that this package was in fact something Target experimented with (as opposed to simply sticking some P04 signs in the otherwise-P01 Cordova store after the fact).

    1. I mean... I'm not sure I'd go as far as saying it's confirmed -- there's always the chance that this store got retrofit P04 signs too -- but it does support that theory for sure!


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