Monumental 80s goodness

Here's a closer view of the left (food court) entry. I love the monumental 80s-modernist style here, with the dark reflective glass and chunky pillars -- not my favorite architectural style, but I do always enjoy buildings that go all out with the design of their era rather than the could-be-from-any-era style that's so common. (Trying unsuccessfully to find a term for "timeless, but in a bad way"...) I also love the mall's old logo, featuring a salmon flying over three rivers (or at least I'm assuming that's what it means). Speaking of the three rivers, I'm still not entirely sure what the name is referring to -- the Columbia and Cowlitz are obvious, with their confluence just south of Kelso, but I'm not sure what the third is -- perhaps the Coweeman, a much smaller river that's just southeast of the mall, or the Toutle (about 10 miles north) or Lewis (even further south)... one thing I can say for sure is that there's nothing in the area that resembles the landform shown in the logo, sadly.


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