Toys ██████████████████ have moved

I was quite surprised to see these temporary signs over in the back left corner. Yes, toys have moved to the clothes section... but that happened over a month ago, back at the start of the remodel, so I'm not sure what purpose the signs are serving right now! Plus, this isn't even in the old toy section, which was in the middle of the left wall. Interestingly, the blanked-out section says "and sporting goods" -- sporting goods should also move over to the clothes section, but they haven't yet. More permanent changes over here include the resetting of the first section of center-store aisles to run the same direction as the left wall aisles rather than the standard front-to-back arrangement, which has left some pretty serious scars in the stained concrete floor that I hope will be addressed (but may very well not, given Kroger's track record with concrete floors).
