Thanks & Come Again

Hopefully this picture (and title!) should clue you all into the history of this "new" decor package! This store is the first QFC to debut the new "Urban Mix" decor package, which is clearly an evolution of the unique Main & Vine decor package we saw a couple months back. (Or at least it was supposed to be the first -- the couple months of construction delays here may have led to it showing up in a remodeled store first, but I can't say for sure.) It looks pretty nice from what I can see, but I'll reserve full judgment until I see it in person without peering through windows -- which should be tomorrow!

This picture is taken looking in the other side of the main entry alcove, looking across the stairs and escalator (and "cartilator", as the plans adorably call the cart escalator) leading to the parking garage below. I love the light fixture here, even if it does block much of this picture.
