Looking back towards the deli (again)

Clearly, I found the deli particularly interesting this time around! The cheese island in the middle of this picture may be the same one that was here before, but all the upright cases are new, holding various deli-related things that had previously been spread around the store (and probably some new stuff as well, since they added quite a bit of case space to this department!).


  1. I love this new Safeway decor. Much better than the bland dark Lifestyle interior. Sad that they didn't put street names on the aisle markers in this store.

    1. Yes, definitely an improvement -- especially compared to this store's old Lifestyle v1 decor (I still quite like Lifestyle v2 myself). As for the street names/landmarks, I'm not sure what's up with that, but Safeway has been incredibly inconsistent with that around here...


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