Clothes and toys

The clothes department hasn't seen much change yet either, except for a large part of the back end being cleared out to make way for toys. Like in most Fred Meyers, this store is seeing a significant reduction in its clothing department, and, for some reason, they're generally moving toys and sporting goods in to take their place. Unless something has changed from the plans I have, the toys will eventually move into the space in the foreground, with their temporary home becoming the location of kids clothing (so that makes sense at least).


  1. Is Fred Meyer selling Kroger's exclusive "Dip" brand apparel as well?

    1. Yes -- in fact, it feels like that's about all they have these days! (Or all they advertise at least -- I've never really looked that closely at their clothes selection...)

    2. I bet that may be why the apparel section has been shrinking, then. They must be getting rid of (most, if not all of) the other brands.

    3. Yeah, that and the fact that no one ever seems to be buying their clothes! 😉


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