Portland, day 9

So, it's finally over, I'm back at my smaller-than-a-hotel-room apartment in Fremont, and it's time for one final Portland travelogue post.

We start out this post with an "I feel old" moment (and yes, I'm not even done with college quite yet!). Hanging in the lobby next to the front desk was this image. Cool, I thought, an old map! Then I looked closer -- it's just a road atlas printed in black and white, complete with a MapQuest logo in the corner! I probably navigated with a map that was older than this growing up! Heck, my parents still bring a road atlas with them when they go on road trips, since no one in my family has a smart phone! So that's how my hotel made a college student feel old... 🙂

For one last Portland picture, I present this picture that was hanging in my hotel room. As I think I've already mentioned, the Fremont Bridge is my favorite of the major Downtown Portland bridges, and I particularly like the picture of it that was in my room. Sorry for the weird angle -- it proved bizarrely hard to get a picture of this picture without my reflection showing up in the glass!

And for a true finale to this week, I present... Costco! Not super exciting (Costcos never really are), but as I don't have a membership, I have to go with my parents, and I can't exactly get pictures if I'm with them. So when I ended up in a different part of the store as them today, I had to sneak in this one picture. Again, not much to see here, as Costco doesn't really have decor (just red plastic signs above the service departments that are the same in every Costco I've ever been in, and little plastic aisle number signs (without any category information) on the ends of the warehouse shelving.

Well, that's it for this week special programming. Back to normal tomorrow -- both in real life and on the blog!


  1. I have a smartphone, but I still use paper maps when on the road, in addition to writing out my directions by hand for reference. As a roadgeek in addition to a retail fan, I find it impossible to give up the old paper map way! I don't use any GPS stuff as the old fashioned way just seems more fun, at least to me!

  2. Also, as a roadgeek, I don't mind all the bridge and transportation talk either, so I don't mind reading the posts about the trains and such!

    1. I'll admit, I do use directions sometimes (though without a smartphone or GPS, it's not true realtime directions at least)...

      Glad to hear you enjoyed them! In all honesty, that was the true reason I decided to go on this trip; the retail stuff was just a nice little add-on!


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