Portland, day 6

Today was a very busy retail day for me, with me visiting a record 8 stores (all grocery stores even!), FIVE of which were Safeways.

But first, I visited the Leach Botanical Gardens. I'm just going to let the pictures speak for themselves; I've talked enough about random stuff you don't really care about lately...

On to the retail content! Today I visited...
...One of the small handful of Oregon QFCs (if we don't have Seattle's Best Coffee in Seattle, why do they have it here?)

...Another mystery decor Albertsons (pick one thing and stick with it!)

...An I-don't-even-know-what Safeway (see comment above)

...A Walmart Neighborhood Market with a rather unusual past (clearly not built as a grocery store!)

...Multiple very old security TVs in similarly outdated Safeways (not sure a dead CRT TV is going to stop criminals!)

...And more Safeway clocks than I've seen in ages (none of which told proper time)!

On another note, every Safeway/Albertsons I went to today had a big barbecue going on outside with tons of people buying... whatever they were cooking (that really isn't my sort of food). Quite a nice thing to see!

That's it for today, and basically it for Portland retail teasers (depending on what I end up doing over the next couple days; I haven't made plans at this point). Sounds like Retail Retell will end up posting a full "stour" from my trip before I ever do, so keep an eye out for that!
