Out with the old, in with the blur

There were quite a few of these signs (yes, all with the same typo) scattered around this store, yet I didn't manage to get a particularly clear picture of any of them. While I was meaning to get photos of the closing sale here, I apparently came a week too early (and really didn't feel like dragging myself out to Kirkland three weeks in a row!). Despite this, it appears that Kroger was beginning to cut off shipments of perishables, with some empty shelves starting to show up, including the first bit of dairy shelving as seen in the corner of this picture (and a bit more visibly in the last one).

Honestly, I'm not sure why they bothered with a closing sale in the first place, as the new store is less than 150 feet away (half of a standard Seattle block)! As such, I suspect that it wasn't all that much of an event, probably just focusing on clearing out the service departments and other highly perishable things, with most merchandise being moved over, well, tonight! If it's anything like the Safeway closing sales I promise I will post one of these years, I suspect the discounts probably weren't even enough to compete with operational stores, seeing as they cut off the normal sales.


  1. See, I wonder if any of the merchandise was moved over at all. I agree that that would be the logical thing to do, but I remember thinking that would be the situation with the Hernando store and yet it didn't happen there. Instead, what was left was donated to the food bank, I believe. And service departments kept operating until nearly the last day (possibly even the last day, although I wasn't there. l_dawg might know, haha!)

    As for the discounts, yeah, likely not very worth it. Not storewide either, if my experience is any indication. At least not in an "everything is x% off" sense. Though I will say, I don't remember anything about the circular being cut off in Hernando. Not to say it wasn't, but I agree with you, seems that would negate the idea of trying to sell everything off if it's raised back up to full price...

    1. Hmm, interesting to hear. I kind of wanted to head over to check it out yesterday and/or today, but I'm far too tired this week to brave the after-work traffic to get over there. 🤷‍♂️

      With only a week of closing "sales", I can't imagine they really cleared out much of anything! Though, the fact that they were letting the shelves start to get bare a while before the sale does indicate that they were trying at least, I suppose. And it's hard to complain if they really were donating it all to the food bank, especially around here with our well-documented affordability crisis!

    2. Definitely can't blame you there!

      Who knows, maybe this situation is different than Hernando's! The food bank idea is definitely cooler, but it's also hard to believe - if a majority of the stock was remaining - that Kroger would give up on those profits. Because corporations :P

    3. Ha, hard to argue with that last bit! This store opening seems to be strangely light on media coverage so far, so it's hard to say for sure what they did.


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