
I'm not sure what I think about the floral decor. I kind of get what they were going for with the curved hanging shapes (anyone have an actual term for these things?), but for one reason or another, they read as more 90s than 50s to me. The ultra-generic "Flowers" sign in front isn't doing any favors either, and (like in most of the store) the fixtures seem to be just standard-issue Oval Decor stuff. But still, the curved thingies are fairly attractive, and if I saw them in any other decor I'd probably love them!

One thing I'm in no way conflicted about is the windows in the front of the store, which are awesome and certainly do wonders to mitigate the rather low ceiling in this old store. Surprisingly enough, these were added in the 2011 remodel -- not the direction stores seem to generally move! (That being said, it does appear that the original design of the store did feature large windows, as was common in those days. Also, I don't think I've mentioned how bizarre the store originally looked -- no idea what was going on with that shape or those roof decoration things!)


  1. That's got to be the weirdest looking grocery store I've ever seen. But in a good way!

    1. Honestly, I'm not sure I really like it. But at least it was something different, I suppose!


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