Portland trip, day 2

Today was the first "retail day" of the trip, with me visiting 7 stores plus a (dead) mall and getting several months more of a photo backlog (of course...). That means it's teaser picture day on the Northwest Retail Blog!

Apparently, a theme of today's stores was floor logos:
I'm sure most of you already know what decor packages these stores have!

At the Safeway in the picture above, that wasn't even the most irrationally exciting thing I found:
When I saw this, I seriously muttered under my breath, "That's the tile!". I've been long trying to figure out what's up with some of the tile in my Ballard Safeway, and this is by far the closest match I've ever found! This really makes me think that the Ballard store opened with the proto-Lifestyle decor, as weird as that would be with such a quick remodel turnaround...

I also visited a weird old Target (the one that I was discussing with Retail Retell and AFB a few weeks back):

Next to which was by far the deadest mall I've ever been in:

The remaining stores for today (not exciting enough for teaser photos) were the nicest QFC I've seen yet, a couple Fred Meyers, and a very classic rural Safeway.

I also drove out to Astoria, in the northwest corner of Oregon, and got this picture from the most scenic rest area ever (on the Washington side of the river):
The bridge in the background is the Astoria–Megler Bridge, an insanely long (and tall, on the Oregon side) bridge connecting US 101 across the Columbia River rather close to its mouth. And yes, I did drive an hour or so out of my way just for the bridge 🙂

Sorry for the very late post, it's been a long day! Hopefully tomorrow won't be so busy...(And it looks like this didn't post last night, so now it's a VERY late post!)


  1. Cool stuff - looking forward to seeing it all on the blog in the future!

  2. I haven't gotten through all of the Portland travelogue pictures yet, but it looks like you had a good trip! I'm actually out of state myself, which is why I've been so quiet on Blogger and flickr lately due to spotty internet issues. Unlike my past summer family trips, I've gotten a few more opportunities to visit some grocery stores solely for the purpose of photographing them this year, so I have some cool stuff to bring back with me this year for my blogs. Also, plenty of 90's decor here in NEPA too from a variety of chains, which is fun! (As finding any decor that old in Florida is nearly impossible outside of Winn-Dixie's Marketplace decor).

    Looking forward to these photos, and I always like to see some Grocery Palace! ☺

    1. I'm looking forward to your pictures too! It's very hard to find those around here either, especially at Safeway which is always the place I'm the most interested in...


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