"Fresh" Produce

This store even has a full produce department and a large bakery section. I'm not sure how common these features are in non-supercenter Walmarts these days, and I suppose it would make sense for a relatively recent store to be more like a supercenter than an old 90s-era "normal" Walmart, but it still felt kind of weird to me seeing this.


  1. One of the last handful of non-Super Walmarts is near where I live, and for groceries is has a rather complete selection of dry goods and frozen foods taking up the right side of the building. It does lack produce of any kind, but does have one small shelf of prepackaged breads and cookies from the bakery (products like the ones in the foreground of this picture).

    1. Interesting! There are several early-2000s non-Supercenters around here, but I still haven't gotten to any of them yet.

  2. A lot of early 2000s division 1 "supercentres" have this for the produce and bakery sections.


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