Sale on Everything

Another sign of how early in the closing process this was -- the discounts listed on this sign are quite blah (except for greeting cards, which always seem to go on crazy sales at store closings). I'm not sure if they were still offering the normal sale prices at this point; I went to another closing Safeway last year where they had stopped but hadn't raised the closing discounts particularly high, and therefore, many items were more expensive than they would have been at any other Safeway! Yet another way that the whole store closing sale thing is a bit of a scam...

Focusing in on the signs themselves here, this appears to be the Albertsons/Safeway-standard store closing setup, showing up even all the way over in Florida. In my opinion, they're some of the ugliest I've seen, with their horribly heavy-handed yellow-red-black gradient and weird mixed font styles.


  1. Yeah, the signs are pretty bad. A majority of retailers conducting liquidations these days seem to go for the red-and-black wave-looking ones, but I'm partial to the classic caution tape Sears and Kmart-style signs myself. Gets the job done.

    1. Yeah, I don't have major issues with either of those myself. These ones just look so ugly and outdated... makes a store closing even harder to see ☹️


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