Deli Shop

The deli department was located along the back wall in the little alcove section. I suppose it technically still is, but most of the full-service components have been removed and replaced with packaged meats and cheeses.

I'm not sure what's up with the missing ceiling tiles in this area. Certainly not a great look, not that Saar's (or Albertsons for that matter) invested much in keeping up appearances here...


  1. I didn't even notice the missing ceiling tiles until you pointed them out! My first thought was that this was one of those trendy arrangements like you're liable to see in the newer stores, with the open ceiling joined by some sections of drop ceiling above certain areas. I should have known better, though XD

    1. Ha! I actually was worried that there was a remodel happening when I saw this on Google Maps photos, but no, just Saar's neglect 🙂


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