
Like in many of these old-fashioned stores, this store still has milk displayed in open-front cases. This picture is also the best I have to show how this alcove is set up -- the windows in the far right are along the front wall of the store. The aisles in this space do run the same direction as in the main part of the store, but are ringed by the dairy cases.  The cases take up the three "exterior" walls of the alcove, with other beverages in the aisles in the middle. Confused? Someone posted to Google Maps a panorama of the space (and a few others around the store) which should help with understanding the weird layout (they certainly helped me, since I was rather confused for a but based on my pictures alone!).

Note -- I'm on vacation (in Port Angeles, nothing too special) for Winter Break starting today. These pictures are being posted using Blogger's schedule feature -- hopefully that will actually work!


  1. Can't say I've ever had any issues with Blogger's scheduling feature, although I've heard a lot from l_dawg2000 about how glitchy the flickr schedulr program is!

  2. I didn't even realize Blogger had a scheduling feature, haha!


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